The Syrians exposed the fresh fakes of Russian propaganda, which, according to the author, were made to cover the already planned chemical attack of the Putin-Assad alliance against civilians. The Kremlin used its information resources to deliberately accuse the Syrian opposition of using chemical weapons prohibited by international conventions against civilians.
The exposure was published by the Inspire Telegram channel. It is reported that in this way Russian propaganda covered up chemical attacks in Syria from the very beginning, and this is a harbinger that Putin’s government is preparing a new attack against the Syrians who do not support the dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad.
Fake number 1
“A militant captured near Aleppo spoke about the manufacture of chemical weapons” – articles under such headings and videos have posted many Russian propaganda sites.

A video of the interrogation of a prisoner published by Russian propagandists.
Exposing fake number 1
From the very beginning it was clear to me that this was a lie – the question was in the details: is it a lie in translation, or is the whole action a continuous theater.
It turned out – both options.
So, what the Russian propagandists added on their own account, they cannot but lie, even when the “interview” itself was shot completely according to the training manual.
The text talks about money and monthly salaries – this is not in the video.
However, everything else, in principle, is. And now we will analyze why this is a lie and a blank.
1. “In 2014 I joined the HTS” – this is great, it’s really cool, especially when you consider that the HTS was not there then, but it was organized only in 2017;
2. The Mujahideen of the KhTS were not trained by Turkish instructors in Turkish camps. They have their own training camps. Rebels from pro-Turkish groups traveled to these camps, and not all of them supported the KhTS, and this is symmetrical;
3. It clearly follows from the text that, having learned something there in the Turkish camps that can be learned in such a short time, this person went directly from his leaders to Idlib – that is, he did not transfer to the HTS, but arrived as if by exchange / work / stay (underline as necessary) – which in itself is highly unlikely. And let’s, by the way, recall the maxims periodically repeated in propaganda that the HTS squeezed out all the other groups from here.
And against this background, one such unknown person from a pro-Turkish group comes and begins to carry out important things here. He is not Amir, not an adviser – but at the same time he is engaged, attention! – interaction at the front. In general, of course, a very strange and streamlined wording.
Interaction with what? A detachment with a detachment, supplies, interaction with a sleeping bag – to fall into the bushes and give a bit?
Well, of course, judging by further events, this is a very significant, very high-ranking man, and at the front he was engaged in the interaction of entire armies, not otherwise.
Because how then can one explain the fact that – as propagandists say – have been organizing provocations with chemical weapons for years and skilfully hiding, so that there is no sign or evidence, the rebels suddenly pick up and reveal themselves to the newcomer in everything?
And they not only invite a person who is not related to this person to work with Sarin (he is more interested in interaction at the front, not a chemist – well, you remember), but they also dedicate him to such intimate details of the upcoming place as Kafr Battykh.
For years they kept it secret so that no one could find anything, they deceived both the OPCW and the whole world – and then literally the first one they got it laid out. And you did not forget? – the first one from the pro-Turkish group.
But the most amazing thing is that this important and so much knowledgeable person climbed the front to the last, having extremely vague options for retreat, however, as well as the stated goals of his presence there. That is, the KhTSH released such an important witness right into the arms of the muhabbarat – apparently, he squandered in the “manufacture of sarin” and was demoted.
By the way, he was supposed to enter the territory controlled by pro-Turkish groups, which, as we recall, do not favor HTS.
That is, he is not just the first captured prisoner to be “persuaded” to slander the HTS and himself, but a person with extremely contradictory actions and unrealistic life situations.
And of course, the man’s tormented appearance on the video, chapped, dried lips, and dried foam in the corner of his mouth, as well as eye problems do not at all indicate the violence applied to him. No one forced him to learn the evidence and no one mocked him – that you, torture is the same at all, absolutely not characteristic of either the Russian or Assad police.
Fake number 2
Exposing fake number 2
Another unlimited stupidity of propagandists. When it seems that they can no longer be miserable – they can.
Now, for the sake of persuasiveness, they have illustrated the instructions from their manuals – about organizing White Helmets chemical provocations – photographs.
Yeah, we have an attraction of unprecedented frankness here: there has never been a trace of the presence of OM, no matter how much the scatter either fought or searched, I could not find everything. And then we decided – let’s make it easier for the enemies, and laid out everything in a conspicuous place, laid out jackets at the same time, and showed everyone, and also took a photo and sent it to all the goofy propagandists. Apparently so.
In fact – almost like that. I am convinced that the photos are genuine. Yes, they were only made not in the Liberated Territories of Idlib, but in occupied by Assad and Rusnya. To cook up a jacket as at lifeguards is a trifling matter.
And the chemical attack is really preparing, but only again by themselves.Due to its unprecedented deceit and meanness, Russia seized the presumption of guilt, but despite the lack of trust in it, it continues to create such ridiculous installations
Recall that the use of toxic substances by the Assad government violates the international Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, to which Syria joined in October 2013. However, experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) concluded that chemical weapons were used in the Syrian city of Duma on April 7, 2018. The expert conclusions have caused sharp criticism from Russia. Representatives of the Russian authorities say that in the Duma there was only a staging of a chemical attack by the opposition to blame Bashar al-Assad for this.