So in Syria, Russians protect Syrians from terrorists who cut heads – do not confuse

ЧВК Вагнера в Сирии

For you to understand, the photos show the same geeks who “brought peace and prosperity to Syria, freeing it from the terrible terrorists who cut the heads of peaceful people.”

There is a delicate moment, the main thing is not to mix anything up.

Such a photograph was published today in the unofficial Telegram channel of the Russian PMC, fighting in Syria against the Syrian people.

ЧВК Вагнера в Телеграм

Сергей Ледов
Sergey Ledov - observer of the military conflict in Syria. Historian, teacher. He has been living in Syria for 10 years. The reason for embracing Islam was the study of the reasons for the beginning of the revolution. In social networks, he runs the blog "Inspire", which cuts the truth as it is, dissecting the pathetic attempts of the lying rulers and their henchmen to seem honest, decent and fair.